Government & Reference Links

Website Validation Form

Website Validation Form

(This form may be printed out and used to evaluate the authority of a research web site)


1. Is it clear who is responsible for the contents of this page?

2. Is there a link to a page describing the purpose of the sponsoring

3. Is there a way of verifying the legitimacy of the page's sponsor?
(Phone number or postal address to contact for more information?)

4. Are the author's qualifications for writing on this topic clearly stated?

5. If the material is protected by copyright, is the name of the copyright
holder given?


1.Are the sources for any factual information clearly listed so they can be
verified in another source?

2. Is the information free of grammatical, spelling and other typographical

3. If there are charts and/or graphs containing statistical data, are they clearly
labeled and easy to read?


1. Is the purpose of the document clearly stated?
(To inform/explain; to persuade/advocate a position; to sell)

2. Does the document reflect a particular bias in viewpoint?

3. Does the author distinguish fact from opinions?

4. Are sources or viewpoints that you might expect to be present clearly

5. If there is any advertising on the page, is it clearly differentiated from the
informational content?


1. Are there dates on the page to indicate when the page was written?

2. Are there dates on the page to indicate when the page was last updated?

3. Are there any other indications that the material is kept current?

4. If material is presented in graphs or charts, is it clearly stated when the
data was gathered?


1. Is there an indication that the page has been completed, and is not still
under construction?

2. If there is a print equivalent to the Web page, is there a clear indication of
whether the entire work is available on the Web, or only parts of it?

3. If the material is from a work which is out of copyright (as is the case of a
dictionary or thesaurus) has there been an effort to update the material to
make it more current?

Note: This checklist is adapted from Web Wisdom: "How to Evaluate and Create Information Quality on the Web", copyright Jan Alexander and Marsha Ann Tate 1996-1999.

Reference Websites

Big Six Paper Organizer

Biography: A&E


Clipart Links (free)

Homework Center

Homework Spot

Information Please

Lives, The Biography Resource

Michigan Electronic Library


TeenSpace - A Division of the Internet Public Library

Virtual Thesaurus

Government Links

Local Government
Genesee County
Information about Genesee County and events
Detroit Area Free Net
Metro Area community information
Your yearly guide to the activities of the Genesee County region.

State Government
State of Michigan
Information regarding the State of Michigan
Michigan in Brief
A reference document about Michigan state government and public policy
MEL - Michigan Electronic Library

Federal Government
GPO Access
A service of the U.S. Government Printing Office
Government information provided by the Library of Congress

Other Useful Government Sites
Close Up
The nations largest nonprofit nonpartisan citizenship education organization
State and Local Government Web Sites
State and Local Government information on the Web
US State Pages
Information on the various States of the U.S.
U of M Documents Center
Listing of Sites for Local, State, Federal, and International information

Website by SchoolMessenger Presence. © 2025 SchoolMessenger Corporation. All rights reserved.